The map shows some popular walks around Torphins. Click on the relevant title box for more information on any walk of interest. You can get this leaflet in a hard copy from Platform 22 and many other outlets in and around the village

Children's Resource
​Download a Pathfinder's Challenge to add interest to your chosen walk
COVID 19 and Walking Torphins Paths
Fresh air and being outdoors benefits physical and mental health and well-being, and local visitors are encouraged to use our woodland trails. Hovever at this time it is vital to follow Government guidelines on COVID 19. Be careful to maintain 2m separation from others you meet in the woods, and be particularly respectful of the privacy of residents and homes along the way that may be in isolation.
Respect the privacy of those who live in the countryside
Stay clear of timber operations and farm machinery. Obey warning signs - for your own safety
Cause no damage to to crops livestock and machinery
Keep your dog under control at all times, and on a short lead in areas where there is livestock, nesting birds or other wildlife