Under Construction

This walk begins along the same route as the Footie Woods walk.
Leave the village centre descending the minor road immediately east of the Learney Hall. After approximately 50 metres a path leads off to the left passing the cemetery. Follow this path and cross the newly refurbished Waulkmill Bridge over the Beltie Burn. Pass through the farmyard, taking care not to impede farm operations and respecting the privacy of the residents. Turn right at the end of the farm track and follow the minor road past North Footie. Continue to follow the road beyond the end of the tarmac road and ascend a twisting estate road for a short distance to reach a fork in the road. Take the right fork and follow this track as it ascends, through a fine treelined avenue, passing the entrance to Mill Cottage eventually joining the Pitmurchie road at a T junction.
The most pleasant route from here turns left towards Kincardine O’Neil, continuing for about 1km before turning sharp left at Lodge Croft. This road leads past the Farm at Stranduff, through a gate on to a farm road leading downhill to Tillyneckle Farm. Turn left and return to the village via Waulkmill Bridge. Respect the hazards of passing a working farm at Stranduff.
An alternative used by many people is slightly shorter but involves walking for 500m on the busy A980 without a footpath. This route is therefore unsuitable for small children or buggies. At the Pitmurchie road T junction turn right, and follow the road down, admiring fine views back to the village. At the end of the road, turn right on to the A980. Be aware of fast traffic as you walk back towards the village, crossing the Beltie Burn by an old bridge (narrow road requiring care). After a few 100m there is a pedestrian pavement on the right-hand side of the road. Follow this until you see Jaffray Road forking to the left, ascending towards Wester Beltie. Take that road, turning right at the end to descend past the farm, towards the old railway line on your left which leads back to the village.
A long walk or a moderate cycle!